Your regular calls (referred to as sessions) will have a beginning, middle and end.

What this mean is, during the first part of the call I will ask questions so you can determine how you want to use the call/what you want to get out of the call or explore.

Examples: 1- By the end of the call I would like to figure out how I can spend more time with my family. 2- I would like to explore new ways to use my gift of sewing. 3- I would like to know if I should take a job being offered to me or stay where I am currently.

Which leads you to the middle of the call where I will ask more questions to help you explore your topic and gain clarity.

-The middle is the main part where we will dig deep, I will ask questions to make you think differently and consider new options. This is where the discovery happens!!!

Towards the close of your call I will ask you what you have learned/taught yourself. You will be amazed by the new awareness! Then I will ask what you would like to do with that information before next time and you will determine action steps that you want to take.

Initial call (complementary session) vs regular call (ongoing sessions)

Still not sureā€¦ the best way to truly understand coaching is to get coached.